2011 Zone Points : Zone 9

Standings are now displayed for all divisions for the current competition year beginning December 1 (or for a differing competition period, if so noted on the heading of the division page), for the competitions listed. Check this page often, as updates are displayed frequently.

Based on point calculations, ribbons will be awarded through sixth place in each section for each zone.

Please direct any questions or inquiries to USEF, attention Sport Data Department (customercare@usef.org). While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, USEF assumes no liability to anyone for errors or omissions. Any errors called to our attention that result in a verified correction will be rectified promptly. All points corrections must be received by customercare@usef.org by 11:59 p.m. EST on December 15th (should the 15th fall on a weekend, the deadine will be set for the following Monday) following each competition year or 15 days following the end of the designated Zone competition year. See GR1119.

The below sections are for USHJA National Championship Qualifying Only: